Product Design
Design and Technology – Product Design
Exam Board: WJEC
Qualification: GCSE
% Exam: 40%
% Coursework: 60%
Why Should I Study this Course?
This GCSE in Design and Technology offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for you to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products. Through studying GCSE Product Design, you will be prepared to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world; and be aware of, and learn from, wider influences on design and technology.
What Will I be doing in Lessons?
Product Design is fundamentally about designing and making useful products and acquiring skills in order to complete the controlled assessment task.
Over the duration of the course, you will develop a wide range of creative designing and making skills, technical knowledge and understanding relating to product design, and working with a range of materials.
What Skills do I Need?
You need the ability to draw and some competence in making. However, you do not need to be particularly artistic, just enthusiastic to learn new skills and a determination to the best you can.
What Type of Assessment is it?
Two controlled assessments: One design and make task and one 2 hour written exam.
What Post-16 College and Career Opportunities Could this Lead to?
This course will allow progression onto the AS level Product Design course or other design focused courses. Studying Product design can lead to a wide variety of exciting and well-paid career opportunities in engineering, design and architecture industries and education services.
How Can I Find Out More?
Mr Apperley of the Technology Department will be able to provide you with further details.