GCSE Mathematics & GCSE Numeracy
GCSE Mathematics (WJEC) & GCSE Numeracy
Students will follow a differentiated scheme of work with a linear three tier point of examination entry:
Tier Grades Available
Higher A* - C
Intermediate B - E
Foundation D - G
All tiers offer opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of Mathematics and concepts including Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measures, Problem-Solving, Statistics and Probability. In addition, the questions in the separate GCSE Numeracy qualification will all be set in real-life situations.
All students work towards written externally assessed examinations consisting of two equally weighted papers for each qualification.
Students will be entered for examinations in May/June 2022 at the tier that best meets their ability.
These qualifications encourage students to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, mathematics and to recognise the importance of Mathematics in their own lives and to society. The qualifications prepare students to make informed decisions about the use of technology, the management of money, further learning opportunities and career choices.
The GCSE Numeracy and GCSE Mathematics courses will follow new specifications. Students may be entered at a different tier of entry for the GCSE Numeracy and GCSE Mathematics courses.
If you require more details speak to Mr. Maunder or Mr. Jones or Mrs. Morgan in the Mathematics Team.