Religious Studies

GCSE Religious Studies (WJEC)

The course will demonstrate how individuals and societies are affected by belief, practices and teachings. Examples are taken from Christianity and Buddhism. One unit must be studied, with 4 parts.

Students have to show knowledge and understanding from 2 religions on these topics:


1 - Christianity- core beliefs, teachings and practices

2 - Buddhism - core beliefs, teachings and practices

3 - Issues of Life and Death

4 - Issues of Good and Evil

Many of these issues are regularly in the news or matters which are discussed and debated worldwide, e.g. discrimination, euthanasia, abortion, life after death etc. Being aware of these issues in Britain and the rest of the world and having respect for others’ ideas are key qualities for R.S. students. Students will be expected to contribute in a positive and mature way, whether in writing or in discussion.

Assessment is completely via an examination which is 2 hours long and sat at the end of year 11. The exams are not tiered so every pupil is able to achieve the range of grades from A* - G.