Welsh GCSE
All pupils will study full Welsh over 2 years. Pupils will learn to speak Welsh spontaneously on 3 wide topic areas, be able to read every day stimuli and write letters, job applications and reviews. The topics are Youth, Wales and Employment. The Course is designed to focus on being able to speak spontaneously in the workplace.
The course is assessed by 4 exams each carrying a weighting of 25%.
Exam A Oracy is Sat in Year 10 and pupils have to respond to a video clip by giving personal opinions.
Exam B Oracy. This is a paired group task where pupils respond to written stimulus.
Exam C Reading and Writing. Pupils respond to reading stimuli and have to write on topics studied during the course.
Exam D Reading and writing. Pupils will respond to reading stimuli and write creatively on topics studied during the course.
Exam B, C and D are completed in Year 11. Both written exams are 1 hour 30 minutes. The exams are not tiered so every pupil is able to achieve the range of grades from
A* - G.