

Exam Board: WJEC

Qualification: GCSE

% Exam: 80%

% Coursework: 20%

Why Should I Study this Course?

Geography is all around you, - on TV, in newspapers and magazines, on the street where you live. It is very relevant to the rapidly changing world in which you live and should help you to develop into an aware and responsible citizen. It challenges you with the important issues facing the world today, such as the environment, pollution, global warming, population growth, development, housing and unemployment.

‘Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future’ – Michael Palin

What Will I be doing in Lessons?

Learners study a wide range of topics. Physical Geography topics include rivers, coasts, tectonic hazards, climate change, weather and eco systems. Human Geography topics include Population rural/urban areas and development. An important focus is the study of the connections between human and physical processes. Learners will be given the opportunity to develop their geographical skills through two fieldwork enquiries.

What Skills do I Need?

Most important is an interest in the world around you. Geographers use a wide range of skills including communication, numeracy, ICT, problem solving and team work.

What Type of Assessment is it?

Assessment is by two exam papers, one on each section of the syllabus, which accounts for 80% of the marks. The remaining marks are given for fieldwork which will involve data analysis and extended written work.

What Post-16 College and Career Opportunities Could this Lead to?

There is obvious progression to AS Geography and various travel and tourism courses. Geographers look at issues from a wide perspective and develop a range of skills which are attractive to a broad range of future employers.

How Can I Find Out More?

If you require any further information on the course, please speak to Mrs Jones (Head of Geography), Mr Smith or look at the WJEC website.