

Exam Board: WJEC

Qualification: GCSE

% Exam: 40%

% Coursework: 60%

Why Should I Study this Course?

It is a creative and interesting, broad based practical course that will enable you to study Photography and Digital Media. It is for those pupils who have an interest and aptitude for capturing images and experimenting with photographic media and digital manipulation. It will enable those who study the subject to take up careers related to, photography, film, video, media studies, marketing and advertising.

What Will I be doing in Lessons?

You will be involved in producing personal work related to a broad theme which is set as the starting point. You will use a range of techniques and processes to explore, document and experiment with images. This will develop your creative skills as a photographer.

What Skills do I Need?

A good Key Stage 3 level in Art and Design and to be willing to work hard to further develop skills. Be organised and be prepared to work at home. All equipment will be supplied and access to the internet at home would be advantageous.

What Type of Assessment is it?

Coursework: Portfolio produced over the course accounts for 60% of the total marks.

Examination: 9 weeks preparation and ten hours practical exam accounts for 40% of the total marks.

What Post-16 College and Career Opportunities Could this Lead to?

AS and ‘A’ level: Photography or Media Studies

BTEC: Photography higher levels at College.

Careers - Photography, Media, Film, Video.

How Can I Find Out More?

  • Ask your teacher or Mr Apperley

  • Website on Careers in Photography, Coleg Gwent, Newport University, University of South Wales