GCSE Science
(Double Award)
Double Award Science
GCSE Science (Double Award) involves the study of all three sciences. These will be assessed in separate units but will result in one qualification worth two GCSEs. The course will develop your understanding of many areas of science and also develop your practical and problem-solving skills.
This includes Chemistry, Biology and Physics and will result in 2 GCSE grades at the end of Year 11.
Assessment is via 6 exams; 2 each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, plus 10% for practical skills. Pupils sit the 1st 3 exams at the end of Year 10 and the remaining 3 at the end of Year 11. Assessment of practical skills is carried out in Year 11 under controlled conditions and is externally marked by the exam board; this is 10% of the final mark.
Students will follow a differentiated scheme of work with a linear two tier point of examination entry:
Tier Grades Available
Higher A*/A – E/E
Foundation B/C – G/G
Students will be entered for examinations in May/June 2022 at the tier that best meets their ability.