

Exam Board: EDUQAS

Qualification: GCSE

% Exam: 80%

% Coursework: 20%

Why Should I Study this Course?

This course should interest pupils who are intending to pursue a career in electronics or engineering as well as those who wish to further their careers in the sciences where they will meet many electronics systems. The course requires high levels of mathematical ability.

What Will I be doing in Lessons?

Electronics is a practical based subject where the practical skills will be developed alongside the theory. The subject will be explored in a variety of contexts – home, school, leisure, community, business and industry. Pupils will study:

  • Component 1 Discovering Electronics

  • Component 2 Application of Electronics

  • Component 3 Electronic System Project

  • A project which will include designing, testing, building and writing a report to solve a chosen problem.

What Skills do I Need?

Pupils should have good mathematical skills, be good at problem solving, enjoy working with others and have good ICT and communication skills.

What Type of Assessment is it?

On-line Assessment:

Component 1 is 40% of the final mark.

Component 2 is 40% of the final mark.

Component 3 is worth 20% of the final mark.

What Post-16 College and Career Opportunities Could this Lead to?

This course will allow progression into Electronics, Engineering and Design Technology.

How Can I Find Out More?

  • The WJEC website will give full course details – www.wjec.org.uk

  • Contact the Science Department – Mr Tyler.