English Language & English Literature

English Language (WJEC)

English is a compulsory subject and is fundamental to success in other subjects.

The course enables pupils to:

(i) develop their understanding of the spoken word and their capacity to participate effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities, matching style and response to audience and purpose;

(ii) develop their ability to read, understand, enjoy and respond to all types of text; recognise the ways in which writers achieve their effects; develop information retrieval strategies for the purposes of study;

(iii) develop their ability to construct and convey meaning in written language using appropriate grammar and standard English (except in contexts where non-standard forms are needed for literary purposes), matching style to audience and purpose.

In lessons you will be reading a wide range of text including those from literature and the media and respond to them through discussion and writing. You will also produce your own texts: leaflets, letters, articles and stories. You will be able to explore the criteria for gaining marks before you do so.

You will need to be willing to communicate in speech and writing, be interested in society and human responses and be able to analyse literary and media texts.

The qualification is awarded for three main areas: speaking and listening, reading and writing. The course is assessed by exams covering reading and writing that are worth 80%. The remaining 20% is covered by a speaking and listening coursework assessment.

After studying this course you could go on to study English at AS and ‘A’ level. If you don’t wish to do this, English will still help you in all other subjects, particularly essay based ones like History and with life practicalities, for example writing letters, completing forms etc. Many college courses desire English and all universities require it for entry onto any course.

For more information, speak to a member of the English Department or talk to friends older than you to see what the course is like.

English Literature (WJEC)

English Literature is the study of classic English texts and is fundamental to success in other subjects.

The course enables pupils to develop an understanding of human responses to their world and to enhance the experience of reading for pleasure. During the lessons you will be reading and discussing novels, plays and poems, alone and in comparison and developing understanding and analytical skills through writing sophisticated responses.

You will sit two written exams for this course which make up 75% of the final mark. The remaining 25% is made up of a piece of coursework, based on Shakespeare and poetry, which is undertaken throughout the course.

You can find out more information by speaking to any of the English teachers or looking on the WJEC website: www.wjec.org.uk