Information and Creative Technology

Information and Creative Technology – ICT (BTEC)

Exam Board: Edexcel

Qualification: BTEC

% Exam: 25%

% Coursework: 75%

Why Should I Study this Course?

What does it take to be a successful software engineer, computer animator, graphic designer or help desk support manager? In our fast paced online world, there are many exciting opportunities in information technology, requiring a broad range of skills such as literacy, numeracy, technical, creativity, problem solving and team working skills.

BTEC Firsts in Information and Creative Technology provide a practical, real-world approach to learning and develop specific knowledge and skills learners need to work successfully in the industry, such as:

  • Understanding the online world, services and communication, and the impact it has on business, social networking and online security

  • Developing technical skills by learning about hardware, software, networking and data and the relationship between them all

  • Using creative, communication and presentation skills when designing and producing a digital portfolio.

What Skills do I Need?

Good practical skills gained at Key Stage 3. Be able to meet deadlines. You will also need to be organised and determined to succeed.

What Type of Assessment is it?

Assessment is internal via completion of all of the tasks set by the teacher in order to complete each unit. There is a single online exam, which contributes to 25% of the overall assessment.

What Post-16 College and Career Opportunities Could this Lead to?

Follow on courses include AS Level ICT and BTEC Level 3

How Can I Find Out More?

Visit the Edexcel website or see Mr Marshall